Smart School Pro

How we developed an EdTech platform to effectively monitor and enhance children’s development

Smart School Pro is an EdTech company aiming to create a digital platform for schools and pre-schools
The project team consists of more than 30 people and includes experts in educational technology and information security, methodologists for pre-school education, analysts, lawyers, marketers.
General Numbers
Investment raised
preschools in which the platform has already been implemented
startups in CIS Countries
$ 1,5 million
300 +
Top 100
Our customer has considered that schools rarely have the necessary methodological framework to monitor the mental and psychological state of a child with disabilities. That’s why children with disabilities often have issues with socialization. State and parents spend plenty of time and money on their treatment and social adaptation. Our client has come up with the idea of a platform which would provide complete picture of the child’s development and help educators and parents timely detect any age-related problems.
Early identification of problems in a child’s physical and psychological development make their treatment easier and significantly increases a child’s chances of growing up to be a fully physically and mentally healthy person.
The project has a strong social dimension, aiming to maximize care for the physical, mental and intellectual health of children of all ages. If a child’s developmental disability is identified, the educator and the child’s parents get notified. The educator consults the reference materials that are attached to the tests and implements certain practices based on the information in them. For example, if a child has a problem with fine motor skills, they should do some sculpting and physical exercises.
In cases of severe developmental disabilities, the educator and parents consult a staff psychologist or specialist to work out a treatment plan.
Our team has developed a Smart School Pro online-service (SAAS) and mobile application from scratch for educators and parents.
It is a customizable modular-based platform, so preschools can create their own tests and choose which indicators to monitor individually for each child.
The platform is used by preschools as well as by Rehabilitation and Education Centers, which specialize in helping children with neurological and musculoskeletal disorders.
Any questions?
It allows monitoring of a child’s health indicators at the start and after treatment in the Rehabilitation and Education center. Comparison of pre- and post-treatment indicators shows the effectiveness of the therapy for each child and for a group of children with a particular disorder.
It also allows for individualized developmental and treatment trajectories for children. This, in turn, significantly increases the child’s chances of recovery.
There are 3 main user roles
Parents receive complete information about a child’s development based on the teacher’s observations during the day and the platform’s analytical algorithms.
Teacher monitor the child’s behavior, mental and physical state throughout the day and complete a checklist for the class. The time for completing one report for a class of 20−30 people is under 10 minutes.
Principal can generate reports on attendance, group composition, development plans for the class and children’s individual development plans, etc. The platform can produce over 50 different reports, which simplifies the process of reporting to the state and parents and significantly reduces the workload of teachers, freeing up an average of 40 or more working hours per month
The result was a sleek, modern website with a pixel-perfect responsive design and an easy-to-use admin interface, fully meeting the client's needs and exceeding their expectations.
Main functions
All information in one window
The Smart School Pro digital platform collects all information about children in one window: documents, schedule, daily reports, health, dietary and physical restrictions, direct mailing: messages, announcements, emails, chat between parents and teachers, testing and assessing results, photos.
Diagnosis of child's development
To create the platform, Smart School Pro experts in various areas of a child’s physical and psychological development have described an average developmental criterion that a child should meet at a particular age.
Effective communication within preschools and with families
Customer sees the dealer’s ads and a report on the car’s technical condition in the car card, and understands its actual technical condition. The report is already prepared by the platform and uploaded into each car’s card.
This data is accessed by an analytical algorithm, which our team has implemented in the platform to assess the developmental level of children in the class.
Smart School Pro Testing gives a complete picture of the child’s development according to 18 parameters. Testing is a tool that was previously only in the hands of profile specialists. Now it will be available to all preschool staff.
  • "Messages" are intended for posting brief news.
  • "Notice board" is used to display notices to remember from a certain period.
  • "Mail" is the most comprehensive format that assists teachers to attach any links, recommendations, instructions and photos, etc.
  • "Daily report" helps parents get urgent updates of their children’s status.
  • "Сhat" is a channel of direct communication between a parent and a teacher
Key Benefits
Saves time on routine processes: educator spends 3−10 minutes on completing the daily report
Information about each child is available in one window and doesn’t get lost when changing tutors
Quick access to analytics: developmental and health history of a child, dietary and physical restrictions, parent contacts
Personal development plan for each child
Prompt detection and treatment of developmental difficulties
Tech Stack
Gitlab CI/CD
Java Script
So let's get IT started!
When contacting us, you will meet Ksenia, Y-Tech Co-Founder & Project Manager. Based in Basel, Switzerland
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